Droplet Microfluidic Devices

Droplet-based microfluidics, a revolutionary technology in the realm of lab-on-a-chip devices, manipulates tiny fluid volumes to perform high-throughput, precision experiments with minimal reagent use. This technique, essential for isolating single cells, protein crystallization, and DNA sequencing, offers a shear-free environment conducive to delicate biological studies. Its application in directed evolution, chemical synthesis, and gel particle formation marks a significant advancement in biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, and materials science.

Smart MCs can provide you with droplet microfluidic devices to meet your needs. Get in touch with us to discuss your needs in more details

  • Droplet Generation from 30um to 200um (diameter) and beyond

  • Straight Forward Workflow

  • Lower Limit of Detection and Rapid Reactions in PicoLitre Droplets




In the cutting-edge field of microfluidics, droplet-based systems stand out for their unparalleled ability to handle minute volumes of fluids in a highly controlled, laminar flow regime. This technology facilitates the manipulation of fluids in immiscible phases, enabling precise experiments at the microscale with significantly reduced reagent and sample volumes. The past few decades have witnessed a burgeoning interest in droplet microfluidics, driven by its potential to revolutionize cell culture, molecular biology, and chemical synthesis.

One of the pivotal applications of droplet microfluidics is in cell culture, where it transforms the way single cells or cell groups are incubated, analyzed, and sorted. The ability to generate thousands of microdroplets per second allows for high-throughput screening of cell populations, revolutionizing our understanding of cell kinetics, protein secretion, and cellular behaviors. This method significantly reduces the volume of reagents and cells used, making the assays more efficient and cost-effective than traditional cell culture methods.

Materials like Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) and perfluorocarbon carrier oils play a crucial role in these systems, providing the necessary conditions for cell viability and long-term culture. Innovations like stationary droplet arrays and on-chip incubation further exemplify the adaptability and efficiency of droplet-based microfluidics in biological research.

Beyond biology, droplet microfluidics has made significant strides in protein crystallization, enabling the precise determination of conditions for crystal growth. In genomics, droplet-based PCR amplifies DNA with unprecedented speed and efficiency, facilitating rapid genetic analysis and mutation library construction. Directed evolution campaigns benefit immensely from this technology, allowing for the fast screening of vast gene libraries at a fraction of the cost of conventional methods.

Chemical synthesis within microdroplets heralds a new era of chemical engineering, where reactions occur with enhanced selectivity, reduced waste, and minimal energy consumption. The synthesis of nanoparticles, microparticles, and gel particles via droplet microfluidics introduces a level of control and efficiency previously unattainable, opening new avenues in drug delivery, materials science, and beyond.

Recent advances in droplet microfluidics, including integration with analytical instruments and the development of novel materials and device geometries, promise to expand its applications even further. From chemical synthesis to directed evolution and beyond, droplet-based microfluidics is reshaping the landscape of scientific research and industrial application, heralding a new era of miniaturized, efficient, and cost-effective experiments.

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Single-Cell Analysis and Cell Culture: Isolating and incubating single cells within droplets for high-throughput screening, studying cell behavior, protein secretion, enzyme activity, and proliferation.
Protein Crystallization: Determining optimal conditions for protein crystal growth in a controlled, micro-environment.
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR): Enhancing genomics research through droplet-based PCR, allowing for rapid DNA amplification, mutation library construction, and single-molecule DNA replication.
Directed Evolution: Accelerating the process of directed evolution with the ability to screen large gene libraries quickly and cost-effectively for enzyme optimization and protein engineering.
Chemical Synthesis: Performing microscale reactions with high throughput and precision, leading to cost reduction, rapid reaction times, and enhanced environmental benefits.
Nanoparticle and Microparticle Synthesis: Creating advanced materials such as polymer particles, microcapsules, and photonic crystals with precise control over size and composition.
Drug Delivery Systems: Utilizing droplet microfluidics for the synthesis of particles for targeted drug delivery, including the formation of microbubbles and nanoparticles.
Biomedical Applications and Tissue Engineering: Fabricating hydrogel fibers and particles for biocompatible materials, mimicking extracellular matrix behavior for tissue regeneration.
Liquid Crystal and Gel Particle Fabrication: Synthesizing encapsulated liquid crystals and monodisperse gel particles for applications in optical displays and as carriers for bacteria, drugs, or proteins.
DNA Sequencing and Genomic Screening: Leveraging droplet microfluidics for DNA sequencing and the screening of bacterial populations, enabling the identification of rare cell types and bacterial identification.
Phase Transfer and Extraction: Employing microfluidic techniques for liquid-liquid extraction, improving the separation of analytes from complex mixtures with higher efficiency and lower reagent volumes.
Catalyst Fabrication: Fabricating monodispersed nanoparticles for use as efficient catalysts in various chemical reactions.

Device Material



Upon Request: Autoclave & Gamma Irradiation

Size Purification

Variable on different modes based on each studies.

Certicate of Analysis



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